ISO 22000 “Food safety management systems. Requirements for Organizations Participating in the Food Product Creation Chain ”is the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard setting the requirements for a food safety management system. It is designed to manage risks associated with the ingestion of dangerous physical, chemical and biological contaminants into food products.
ISO 22000 (ISO 22000) is used to build, implement and certify management systems of all organizations that are related to the production of food products and their handling at any stage of its life cycle.
The standard is suitable for farms, factories for the processing of raw materials and production of the final product, suppliers of equipment, packaging materials, cleaning products, feed, fertilizers, as well as companies providing services in the field of catering, trade, logistics, etc.
The standard is based on the principles of RACCP (Risk Analysis and Critical Control Points) and the so-called Good Practice (GP), in various areas, for example: agriculture (GAP), livestock (GVP), production (GMP), trade ( GTP), hygiene (GHP), etc.
An FSMS built in accordance with the requirements of ISO 22000 can be integrated with a quality management system according to ISO 9001.
Benefits of ISO 22000 Certification
Compliance with the provisions of the ISO 22000 standard will help the organization to increase and stably maintain the safety of products / services, reduce the number of defects and spoilage of products, and reduce the risk of complaints and complaints from consumers and business partners.
The certification procedure will significantly increase the benefits of the implementation of the FSMS. ISO 22000 certificate issued by an accredited certification body will greatly simplify the process of selling products / services. It is needed so that the company can:
- demonstrate its compliance with international food safety standards;
- increase competitive position in the Uzbek market and abroad;
- prove compliance with local food safety regulations;
- build a reputation of a manufacturer of safe and quality products.
Who needs a certificate?
The practical use of the ISO 22000 certificate of conformity is very high - on the market this is a reliable indication of the company's professionalism in the field of catering. When choosing partners, owners of such certificates are preferred.